The Most Recognized Languages in the Wases Universi
This is a little introduction to the most spoken languages in this universe. You have access to a small word list English-Reptari which will be updated from time to time.
1. Almachi - originates from Almach Constellation and Andromeda Constellation and Andromedan Universe, it is spoken in nearly all Universes as it is known and used by all races and beings.
2. Draxci - Draconian Dragon language which originates from Thuban, the most ancient language ever spoken, referred to as the language of creator Crexlan. It is only spoken by Draconians who are the only ones who use this language to communicate with since most life forms do not have the right vocal cords necessary to speak it.
3. Reptari - Reptilian language, originates from Serpens Constellation, is very contemporary and updated language. Was the biggest language besides Stemes spoken on Ekken Ekeinne in the past by the first reptilians who lived there. Reptari is understood by humans as well since it is an adapted form of reptilian language meant to be compatible with human language systems as well.
4. Stemes or formally known as Stemes Tus Kemes - Ancient Reptilian language, pre-dates Reptari language by countless Aeons of time, it is spoken only by the oldest reptilians in existence or by reptilian-human hybrids on ocassion.
5. Mintankan - Frog language which is spoken and written by all lawyers in all Universes. Mintankan originates from Mintanka Constellation and is used as the standard legal code in conjunction with Almachian for all legal recording and in all court cases.
6. VekVentua - originates from Venus and is meant to convey technological concepts and complex humanoid designs, used predominately by all engineers and especially on Planet Venus and in the surrounding five neighboring constellations.
7. Zeta Ren - originates from the Zeta Reticuli grays. Used by all beva engineers and flight instructors as the predominate language for transportation and also for collaborating with engineering projects.
8. Oria Stresh - used in all planets in the Orion Constellation as the most common language since it is a hybrid language of ancient human Sagattarii and Zeta combined. Common with all engineers, artists, and scientists/ doctors.
9. Monoceran - Jungle shapeshifter language which originates from Monocerus Constellation. This language is used by all special military operations for all of creation throughout this Universe. Warrior of all kinds know and use Monoceran to describe their natural environments for battle purposes since this language is the only one which can be conveyed silently and discreetly by all beings equally. It sounds like a series of specifc clicks, Morse code follows a pattern very similar to the sounds which Monocerans make when they are in their jungles hunting. Mostly a non-vocalized language.