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DNA Prime

Every being has a certain amount of DNA strands, a human on this planet for example has 90. A DNA Prime is a human being that activated all his DNA imprints / strands. Due to worldwide confusion and misinformation about what a human actually is, it seems difficult to reach the point where one activated all 90 DNA imprints. For this reason a DNA Prime is very rare on this planet and even more impressive to have succeeded with the activation!

It is interesting to note that a lot of the human DNA Primes are famous people globally and are well aware of how things work in this society. Additionally to that they are never corrupted. DNA Primes have gone through all those pleasurable steps of learning about their DNA and creation, they have experienced different ways of communication relating to their environment and other species. This should encourage you to do the same, go through the pleasant experiences of activating your DNA!

However, due to the extreme level of corruption on this planet, DNA Primes are usually haunted by certain organizations like illuminati (archonic religion) for example, since some of them are aware of the potential of humans, but choose against it.

To activate your DNA you first need to recognize the diversity of beings and that your DNA is based off of those beings. There are not just humans and some animals in the universes obviously, everyone knows that, but does not accept this, due to fear / discomfort, for whatever other reasons. When we begin to explore our own nature and identity, our body responds in kind. When our DNA initiates its awakening process we are guided to new sources of inspiration which present us with opportunities to experience growth in new ways. The DNA activation process allows us to gain access to new ways of thinking and acting which are closer to the reality of creation.

Once you accept that human DNA is (or at least can be, for the ones never heard about all this) beyond two DNA strands, you can observe other beings like humans or animals; how do they look like, dress, behave? You can characterize them in certain situations. For example: When is one aggressive or defensive? What is their sexuality? What do they eat or drink? How does one speak or react to something? And are they healthy like this or does something go wrong?

Be(come) aware of what your imprints are and accept them! Go from 1-90, if you can (you can!) and activate one after another. And no dear religious people: this has nothing to do with your beloved hierarchy!

Here are some examples of DNA Primes:

Question 1: How does a human get DNA?

Answer: Every human gets his DNA from various parts of organic creation. What does this mean in an example: A Monoceran (Jungle Shape Shifter from the constellation of Monoceres) decides to embody as a human on this planet, thus his first DNA imprint (root) is Monoceran. There are very rare exceptions only. Everything that comes after the first DNA imprint is a conscious decision by the specific being and/or its creator.

Your first root based DNA imprint is the baseline of all that you embody, it is the essence of your immortal self. By fully acknowledging your root DNA imprint you allow yourself to begin to fully access all aspects of your natural being. Your soul also responds to this acknowledgement of what you fully embody in your first DNA imprint by working to assist you to take charge of your life. Your soul gets nourished and fed when you acknowledge and fully embrace especially your first DNA imprint since you begin to unify with your immortality and true being. By working consciously with your first DNA imprint you allow biases towards any lineages, delineations, titles or identifications to fall away. Since you chose your particular DNA imprints design, the nature of the DNA imprints is that they work to identify and connect with all other essences so that you can discover more about your own nature by understanding others.

Question 2: What are the benefits of being a DNA Prime?

Answer: DNA primes are co-creators in the sense that they work with creator Crexlan as much as possible and follow along the lines of a unified vision for creation. DNA primes also act as representatives for their root DNA imprint family groups. They serve as protectors for all of the families of life which existed within their ninety DNA imprints before they fully accepted all parts of themselves. Before they chose to embody as a DNA prime with a singular DNA essence they utilized all the abilities and energies contained within their ninety DNA imprints throughout multiple lifetimes. A DNA prime chooses to accept the mission of assisting all organic beings and creatures to become unified in the pure stream of creation and love.

DNA Primes are usually happier beings, unless they get screwed by their surroundings or negative humans / corruption. They tend to have more knowledge about things as well as develop talents on a professional level way easier.

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