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Education about Pleadians

Confused about the title and Will Smith in the picture? Who would have guessed that he originally is Pleadian - currently in human embodiment.

Many, oh so many webpages and books, movies and stories have been made about the Pleadians. I have never encountered any legit information about them on this planet.

This will stop now! I will inform you about this human species:

Originating from the universe Plejara, the Pleadians are a common species in plenty of universes, since their creator Ialan is one of the Supra Prime Creators. Their appearance is very close to human looking, except the skin is either rose or blue, depending on where exactly they come from.

In the year 2014 the Pleadians have signed the reminder of creation, which protects them from corruption. Was this needed? Yes, even though, Pleadians are usually not corrupt, there were a few cases, which will be mentioned later.

Unfortunately Pleadians have been given a title of spiritual hierarchy when mentioned by so called New Age channelers or attention seekers. Sadly, many individuals believe after reading many different disinformation sources that Pleadians are the pinnacle of spiritual achievement and are therefore the highest and most successful race off planet. Why is this lie perpetuated by misguided individuals on this planet? This actually has to do with the past associations of the very small group of Pleadians who were working with Nazis in the past. In particular there was a small group of thirty Pleadians who had trade agreements with the Nazi party and with Hitler specifically at the beginning of his political life. Hitler was approached by these few Pleadians since they wanted to offer technology in exchange for his participation in executing archons and those who were working for archons at the time.

In the beginning they had a unified goal to dismantle the financial institutions and in particular archontic families who owned most of the money and resources at the time. What nobody really knows from this historical period is that these Pleadians and the Nazi party were trying to remove corruption but eventually became deeply corrupted themselves in the process. When ideologies around racial superiority began to enter into their thoughts, this was the trap which the archons used against them in order to thwart their plan to remove them from the planet. By turning to an artificial racial dichotomized thinking the original intention of these Pleadians and of Hitler became degraded and lost touch with reality. Over time, as Hitler began to grow in power both the Pleadians and the Nazis in general spiraled into uncontrollable violent aggressive behavior. As a result they began to target many individuals beyond the scope of their original intention to remove archons physically from existence.

When Pleadians are mentioned as a part of a spiritual hierarchy in current times this has to do with the residual effects and eugenic programming which is hidden and encoded in nearly all New Age channelings. In this way by saying that Pleadians are the only reliable and most evolved source of alien life, this is a way to trap people into a different form of racist and distorted thinking which stems from these historical occurrences.

How are Pleadians connected to humans on this planet Ekken?

  • Humanity is connected to creation on countless levels. The amount of connections and relationships which can be formed between humanity and other beings is limitless, only our imaginations and minds can limit what we believe to be possible or impossible. Pleadians have been frequent visitors to this planet, they come in bevas to survey and observe humanity living in this beautiful natural environment simply to feel connected on a human level. Pleadians have always seen the humans who reside on this planet as being related to them directly since they recognize and know that Pleadian DNA is a part of most humanity's 90 DNA configuration. Pleadians like making connections with humanity here on this planet especially by contributing music which activates and stabilizes their playful and joyful expressive part of their DNA. Pleadians enjoy contributing in active creative processes such as music, dance and also by making their presence known especially in cultural practices. It is very rare that you will make a connection with a Pleadian through meditation although it can happen especially if you have Pleadian in your first DNA imprint (your first root DNA, the foundation of your physical embodiment). In general Pleadians like to make their presence known through the act of almost a hyper active and incredibly joyous activity. You can feel the Pleadian spirit especially in singing or by listening to dance and electronic music.

In advance, there were some questions regarding Pleadians. Those questions will be answered here:

“What are the differences between the ray colors of Pleadians”

  • As mentioned above, there are blue ray and rose ray Pleadians. Culturally there are no significant differences, it really is just the skin color.

“What is the art and culture like?” and “What are they specialized in - daily lives description”

  • Pleadians love music and dancing – everything about clubs and partying. A famous musician for example Pelpex invented the keyboard for club music. Another good example is the band Daft Punk – very Pleadian music.

Pleadians are highly social and tend to congregate in group activities of all kinds. Everyday a Pleadian will communicate and socialize with other Pleadians as is common in their culture and for fulfillment of the needs of their collective DNA. Pleadians find relaxation when they interact and talk with other Pleadians especially. Communication is a valued and appreciated art form in Pleadian life, a daily talk, a daily group activity, these are paramount to Pleadians in general. A daily life for a Pleadian usually involves starting the day with meal preparation, cooking or participating in at least one group communal meal time. There are concerts and musical performances which are held every afternoon and evening on every single Pleadian planet. Pleadians also have group meditation sessions every evening of every day with at least twenty to a hundred Pleadians all sitting together as a community with the intention of creating positive energy for their collective societies. They orchestrate this meditation with all of the other Pleadian planets in an attempt to synchronize positive thoughts and to form stronger connections as a collective group of planets and bring all Pleadians together. This huge collective meditation practice is called the Pleajaran Satwassam and has been used as a model for inter-planetary unification exercises which are used by other societies off planet as well.

“What are the music festivals like?”

  • On the Pleadian planets the musical festivals can go for an entire day with no break or interruption. Musicians have incredible stamina on Pleadian planets since they are supported with the energy of the super abundant water which exists on every single Pleadian planet in excess. Most musical venues are staged in beach like and river bed areas where the sound is easier to transmit or broadcast over a musical surface. This way they also project the music and its healing abilities to all of the nature which exists in the water or in the surrounding natural environments. It is very common for Pleadians to host different kinds of musical guests from other planets as well since they aim to collaborate with every single aspect of creation in a musical way. A Pleadian finds their compatibility with creation mostly through musical and or dancing expression.

“What technologies do they use? How is this technology making an impact in the universe and creation. What types of lives do they live and how they view creation in Ekken?”

  • Pleadians are mostly known for their musical and healing based technologies. Their transportation bevas (beamships) are considered to be standard when compared to other technologies which exist. Usually Pleadians do not create their own bevas but when they do we would equate this technological architecture and engineering to something which can be described as a similar to airplanes which have more advanced technology which we are used to on this planet. Pleadians usually collaborate with Zetas in order to build bevas on their own planets since they do not have ways to mine or cultivate certain raw materials which are needed for advanced beva designs. If someone from this planet were to try to fly a Pleadian beva it would be fairly simple and straight forward since they aim for user friendly and simplified interfaces in order to give adolescents more freedom to travel independently without supervision. Pleadian technology always attempts to make all things interactive for even younger individuals. In Pleadian culture their technology is always made to be accessible for twelve year olds and young adults, especially transportation bevas. Pleadians create different technology for different stages of the life cycle, they have pleasing and relaxing toys and educational devices for children. They also have devices to help elderly to have better mobility and assistance within their homes. The most impressive technological designs which Pleadians have created are those of the Plejaran Hinra when translated into English would be called the Pleadian horn. This Plejaran Hinra is a musical healing device when played for an individual, as they are laying down, is capable of removing all physical and energetic disease and illness in less than an hour. If a human from this planet were to receive healing from this device not only would they heal from all physical and energetic illness, they would also have a more youthful appearance and would become more vibrant.

“What would they like humanity to know and understand?”

  • It is important that humanity understands that Pleadians do not recognize racism as a form of valid identification in any way. They do not participate in any type of skin and or space racism of any kind. To say that a certain race or being is higher than another is grounds for imprisonment in all of the Pleadian planets, especially as a result of the historical incidences which were mentioned previously. Pleadians have never said with any of their representatives or in any communications that they are the pinaccle of cosmic society, nor will they ever state this in any serious way. It is important for you to know that if someone is claiming to have communication with a Pleadian and they are using the language of hierarchy in any way that they cannot be trusted. This type of hierarchal speaking whether through mind transmission, verbal communication or channeling is always an indication that the being is either possessed by an archon and is deeply corrupted. For so long the Pleadians have been improperly associated with groups which are given “honorific” titles of hierarchy. There is no high council of the Pleadians, in fact there is only the Community of Pleadian group which exists in their planets. They do not use the title of council directly, they see themselves as a community only especially since they do not have their own separate legal system. Pleadians use the council of Mintankan frog lawyers and meet in Andromeda if they need to establish communications or seek protections from cosmic law. Pleadians in general do not have a system of government as well, so if you hear anyone speaking about inter-governmental relationships done on their behalf, this also cannot be trusted as well. If a Pleadian is communicating with an individual on this planet Ekken, this is incredibly rare and has almost been completely banned because of the corruption in past dealings. Pleadians also want everyone to know that Billy Meier is a corrupted and very greedy individual who damaged their reputation and image for humanity on this planet. If you want to show Pleadians the most respect and love then do not turn to the rantings of lunatics such as Billy Meier and countless other frauds who seek to bring disrespect to Pleadians and all other beings. If you want to connect to the wisdom of the Pleadians you are better off listening to Pleadian music such as Daft Punk or by creating your own music and dancing instead.

To finish off this article, I asked Ialan to write something in Pleadian, this is his choice of words:

Paitarus Limra Petejen

Which means Play/Party like a Pleadian would

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