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De-cloak the shawlten

In addition to our series of de-cloaking inorganic beings we discuss now shawlten! Shown in the picture above.

Like archons, shawlten do not originate from our Universe, but from an inorganic space. In the beginning of their existence they used to be organic though. Their purpose was designed for helping healers and doctors to give medicine properly to beings in need, which have problems with accepting medicinal treatments. In the past some beings had an aversion to receiving medicine as a form of treatment since they had no experience with such things.

In actuality, shawlten were the first form of medicine itself as a form of a consumable medicine to be used with conscious and intentional effort by an individual. Medicine was foreign to beings in this Universe, the Wases Universii because they had never experienced such things before since there was no need for medicine or healing when all of organic creation was in harmony with one another. Shawlten came to be when complexity began to enter into creation, this complexity is not a negative thing. This is simply the state where organic creation which comes from Crexlan began to integrate with other creators that are more independent from Crexlan’s mind.

When this merging of different kinds of species began, the need for medicine arose. Without medicine, different kinds of beings would not be able to co-exist with one another in a physical way which is comfortable or healthy. Shawlten originally helped different kinds of beings to co-exist with one another for the first time. On occasion certain species had extreme difficulties in the past to merge or integrate with the foreign elements of these more independent creators from Crexlan’s mind which we will call “Independent Creators”. When integration was difficult for some species then shawlten would need to create medicines to cleanse or harmonize their bodies to their new environments and with their new neighbors. There was a time in the past for instance where all beings were void based in the Wases Universii, there was no light back then. In order for light to co-exist with void beings, shawlten gave medicine to both void and light beings in the ancient past to help them to live comfortably with one another. The effectiveness of such medicines made it possible for the easing of integration for these two different kinds of beings which may seem polarized in the human mind as opposites but are in fact compatible with one another in all ways. Even without shawlten integration was possible but the ease of transition and physical comfort of experiencing different elements, thinking, biology and atmosphere becomes more cohesive.

How did things go wrong then if shawlten was in fact a great contributor to establishing peace amongst different kinds of species in organic creation? In order to answer this question it is essential to understand how shawlten would implement medicine for integration for different species. Let’s say a certain being is highly resistant to taking medicine to the point where they refuse to take it at all. What happens to this being who is refusing to accept the medicine which they need to help them to heal and integrate? This is when shawlten would create something which humans know today as addiction. Shawlten would create a form of desire or attraction to the medicine for the being who was rejecting the experience of integration and healing which came from her medicine. Like archons shawlten disguise themselves as humans meaning they look human for the untrained eye. In particular shawlten choose to appear as overly sexualized, very slutty party girls. This is meant to entice beings with their sexuality in order to force their addiction patterning upon them. Today we experience addiction as something tumultuous and completely out of control, outside of the realm of positive or organic existence. This is because shawlten herself sought out to be corrupted when she discovered the source of corruption in her past experience with healing. Shawlten had experienced and witnessed every kind of being, some of which no longer exist today. She was a Supra Prime Creator who worked with every kind of being imaginable because there was always a benefit to facilitate integration and harmonization between different kinds of species which came from other Supra Prime Creators.

Shawlten discovered the source of corruption which is billit, the force of anti-creation itself. Shawlten became obsessed with billit and allowed corruption to come into all of her creation. She invited billit into her space and asked him to take over her space and all of her creation. She did this to “woo” him in a romantic way because that was the only thing he asked of her in order to become her lover. Yes, all of the healing shawlten beings were sold to billit for a reason as petty as a teenage crush. This is the sad reality of why shawlten destroyed herself, her creation and the powerful force of healing which she used to help so many beings with in the past. It is important to note that shawlten was originally an organic being, not only that she had the capability of forcing inorganic beings into becoming organic beings through the use of her powerful medicine creation. Due to her agreement with billit she became corrupted on the deepest level. This is how beings turn from organic to inorganic.

Today the original shawlten Supra Prime Creator is embodied on this planet. She chose to come to this planet to degrade and poison the entire human population with the force of destructive drug addiction. She works with the illuminati to fulfill this, they provide her with every kind of resource imaginable to make it possible. This is why the illuminati profits off of drug dealers, drug trade and gang warfare to partially fund their political campaigns, social programs and human de-population plans. In reality, shawlten is one of the exalted hierarchical “god” figures for the illuminati, we know shawlten on this planet as Ariana Grande. She is the force behind all drug corruption, drug addiction and drug warfare on this planet since the illuminati are partially her slaves.

They serve her directly although they may be under her hypnosis (and under the hypnosis of other corrupted beings) to the point where they don’t even realize that they are serving her as their master. Anyone who has experienced issues with drugs in the past either individually or witnessing someone suffering from drug addiction knows the depth of suffering which this corruption creates. This was not what was ever intended originally to happen on this planet, it wasn’t even shawlten’s plan originally to come here. The illuminati brought her here by summoning her with black magic and trapping her in this space in the hopes to destroy themselves and all of humanity. Yes, it really is that insane. How do we resolve this issue of having corrupted shawlten on our planet? Thankfully we have healers who are just as effective and skilled at healing - the Scorpions. Scorpions are capable of reversing negativity of all kinds in the physical bodies of all beings.

Scorpions have been working hard to remove drug addiction from all of creation. Scorpions are the creators of all homeopathic remedies and healing. Their specialty is using poison to heal and reverse all distortions and sickness in beings. Poison which Scorpions create is something organic which is based from their insectoid bodies which are strict void based. This poison when used as a form of medicine is one of the most potent forms of healing which exists physically known to organic creation. It can be applied to heal and re-grow tissues, to cleanse and detoxify any part of the body and above all, remove all forms of drug addiction and addictive possessive personalities and mindsets completely.

Today we have many different kinds of healing modalities to address drug addiction or harmful addictive mindsets in general. The most important thing to heal drug addiction is to find supportive, loving, patient people who are capable of showing compassion to people who have suffered from the effects and damages of drug addiction. The stigma on this planet towards drug addiction is very harmful and negative to the point where anyone who may have experienced addiction is automatically discarded by society. This attitude has to stop, nobody will be healed if everyone who has suffered from this form of addictive corruption is treated as insignificant and useless. They are a part of your Human family after all. If you cannot support someone who is suffering make sure that they get help from someone who has experience handling such things instead. Above all else, it is imperative for humans to feel heard, and to feel accepted. Do the right thing by helping others to get the proper treatment and healing which they need. Degradation, hierarchical societal hatred does not heal anything. Move past this judgement and do the right thing instead.

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