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The Tree of Life

This time I have not checked books or anything, but the internet to find information about the Tree of Life. It was enough information to decide to put the real Tree of Life in an article, since there are too many corrupted versions out there. I won't bother and explain to you specific corrupted versions, all I do is putting the original and clean Tree of Life here, if you engage any other Tree of Life = throw it in the bin and do it like me: don't bother. For the ones that don't know about what the Tree of Life is, it is a safe way to write down DNA on paper, it usually includes the first ten DNA strands / imprints.

This is the only and yes only Tree of Life:

As you can see in the picture above, I have used English words only. There is nothing wrong with that, but the original words originate from Nestri (Neptune) language. Not so random note: just because “someone” steals the names and claims it to be theirs, it does not make them theirs, it still is Nestri and Nestri alone!

These are the original words:

Malkuth = Root Chakra - Foundation of your physical body

Yesod = Sacral Chakra - Represents your emotional body and your sexuality

Hod = Solar Plexus Chakra - Represents your willpower and motivation

Netzach = Heart Chakra - Represents your empathic connection

Tipareth = Throat Chakra - Represents your communicational skills

Gebruah = Brow Chakra - Ability to see psychically

Chesed = Crown Chakra - Ability to connect remotely

Binah = Left Channel Chakra - Feminine aspects

Chokhmah = Right Channel Chakra - Masculine aspects

Kether = Central Channel Chakra - Reversed Root (secondary Root Chakra); Foundation of the astral body

Good for you, when you want to use the original words, then the Tree of Life looks like this:

And this is how my first ten DNA chart looks like on paper:

1. Draconian, Ancient Void Dragon (root)

2. Condor Owl (sacral)

3. Dotarian Guardian Elemental (solar plexus)

4. Vekusni Vortex / Void Being (heart)

5. Okallaer Electricity Elemental (throat)

6. Rekken Ancient Kundalini Snake (brow)

7. Crystalline (crown)

8. Fire Elemental (left channel)

9. Equelli Martial Arts Tiger (right channel)

10. Ice Elemental, The Chakra Healer (central channel)

My first ten DNA chart in the Tree of Life, enjoy:

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