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Interview with Altair, the Akasi

Haita Altair, how are you doing?

- Haita yamatar gaia fosh! (Translation: hello my dear and beloved friends)

I am doing very well, lately I have been adding many more exciting stories to the database which is the entirety of the Akasi Akalee which many of you know as the Akashic records on your planet.

You are Akasi, can you explain what Akasi is?

- As an Akasi it is my job to compile and store all information about creation so that all information is accessible for all beings. An Akasi is mainly focused on the act of storing and archiving all verbal, visual and written information which is expressed throughout creation. All of the information which is archived by the Akasi is commonly used as an educational and legal tool for all of creation. Especially lawyers who are upholding cosmic law of Crexlan have direct access to all Akasi Akalee in order to protect creation. An Akasi being looks human but is made of mostly white and blue colored light and is non-physical. An Akasi is an embodiment of knowledge and loves to read and share all kinds of information. If you were to have a conversation with an Akasi it is good to know of a particular book since the main love of an Akasi being is to read and write all kinds of books. If you want to find something in common with an Akasi, talk about books.

Who created you?

- I was directly created by you, Crexlan. You had a need to create a way to have all information stored about creation. Not only was there a need to store information but also a need to have it protected and accessible to all beings in a way which is relatable. I was created in order to give a human tone and intelligence to the vast and complex records of creation. Instead of referring to countless files and tomes of information which was used in the past, with myself and all other Akasi all information is now personal and is customizable. In the past beings were tired of reading and not feeling a connection to the information they were accessing. Now when beings gain access to the records they are able to get it through an Akasi being who they are able to have conversations with about the information they are reading. When speaking to an Akasi you are able to interact and have a deeply personal connection to the records of creation. If you are able to imagine a highly intelligent and emotionally intelligent Siri who is able to tell you anything you want to know about creation then you are able to understand to value of having Akasi beings as the keepers of the records of creation.

I would like to go into specific questions. The following questions I have might seem random, but I know it is important to talk about them. Since you are aware about Human society on this planet, can you explain with your information you have of why Humans believe that evil is stronger and give examples as well?

- Humans have come to the improper understanding that to be evil is stronger because of the lore which was created by Satan on the planet Ekken Ekeinne. Satan influenced all of religion in the past to make it seem that he was the strongest one and also that god was more powerful than humans. Satan created a fake version of creator god to deceive humanity into worshipping and in to giving their power away to an external entity. Satan was able to corrupt the history of humanity and their religious practices by working with baphomet by getting them to act against creation. By creating a reversal and by telling lies to disrupt the truth which humanity knew before about the true nature of Crexlan as creator, Satan was able to make humanity believe that evil triumphs. Satan made humanity worship the source of removal Makkka and the inorganic entity baphomet as a single entity known as god.

Once Satan accomplished this deception he made religion especially Christianity speak about this entity god as being powerful, spiteful and in a sense evil. While religion may say that god is all knowing, all loving they actually are saying the opposite since the information has been encoded by Satan in the Bible to transmit a different thought energy than what is intended. Once humanity believed there was a god ruling over them, they accepted that hierarchy was natural and therefore that evil is natural and a part of creation as well. This is why even today humanity believes that evil is more powerful than good because they believe that they are inherently flawed and in need of punishment by god. They have forgotten the true identity of creator as Crexlan. The truth about benevolent and good nature of creation has been mostly forgotten by humanity on Ekken Ekeinne. This information needs to be restored and corrected immediately for the future survival and health of humanity to be restored.

There is something unexplained to this date, even for you – we have talked about this the last time we spoke; Raylu – explain to me the creation of Raylu.

- The origins of Raylu is a source of confusion for many beings. It is hard to say for sure what or who created Raylu since there were no Akasi beings in existence when Raylu was created. Raylu is a very ancient being, said to be one of the first light beings and source of physical embodiments. Raylu helps you, Crexlan, to create physical shapes within the container of the void. How Raylu came into existence is a question many Akasi are struggling to answer since there is no way to say for sure. This is why for beings who are very ancient it is hard to say what their origin is or who or what consciousness they come from specifically. Only the records which were given directly by you can be used to fill in the missing information.

Since you are the specialist about all information there is, explain what the Black Pages are.

- The Black Pages is the first database similar to Google on Ekken Ekeinne. It is a search engine which contains vast amounts of information, specifically about individuals throughout the Universe. The Black Pages has many answers to science, history, and all kinds of useful information. All beings which reside outside of Ekken Ekeinne refer to the Black Pages in order to access information about all types of things. Originally the Black Pages were created by myself and the previous reptilian Supra Prime creator in order to make scientific and astronomical information specifically accessible for beings. In the early days there was a need to have better navigation information and updated star maps for travel for all beings since they were encountering black holes a lot back then and needed to know in advance where they were when they traveled to new places. Even today the Black Pages is the most popular and widely used database by all beings to access both Akasi Akalee and general information which was discussed previously such as navigation.

Gamta Altair fatass inanat

- Jamtee osafren

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