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Speed of Light in this Universe

This article will give you insight of the speed of light in this universe and why it has the speed it does!

Science measures the speed of light based on a specific measurement. This measurement is based on a limited perception and viewpoint of what is possible. When space travel is theorized by scientists they determine what is possible based off of what is available given what our current technology is today. No element except for the void has the ability to expand overly fast thus light has a set speed limit when going through the void. This is essential for the further creation in every universe. Ekken science has the belief that the speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second. This number is inaccurate due to its corrupted viewpoint and scientific basics/ mechanisms. The actual speed of light in our universe is 2,997,924,582 meters per second. The real speed of light is actually ten times plus two the original value determined by science. The inaccurate speed of light value reflects the reluctance science has to accepting the true potential of creation. In different scientific systems such as those which are based off planet, it is common to take the original measurement which you derive and multiply that value by ten.

10, the beginning crosses creation, which is the void, therefore you multiply all scientific date by 10 in order to arrive at the true value which is represented by its primordial aspect. The old, the present and the new, that is what 10 is. In this case “2” is added to demonstrate how the numerical value functions in a realistic sense. “2” will show you anything that has polarity, it combines everything together. To receive the real speed of light you add the “2” to the end, because it is the last step of creation to add something new, which is existing physically, since all physical life has polarity in this universe.

In our explanation below the “0” is added, the beginning, the void and creator. The formula written out:

299,792,458 times 10 = 299,792,458 plus 2 = 2,997,924,582 m/s

0 = Crexlan

2 = Wases Alakass Bokoiba the Draconian, the enforcer of the mind of Crexlan - from Thuban and Raylu the Dog, the heart of Crexlan from Almach

9 = Wases Alakass Bokoiba the Draconian, the mind of Crexlan (from Ekken Ekeinne)

9 = Thaedrax the first Draconian in his universal form, the destructive force of Crexlan

7 = Pebstaa Mele Estekk the Reptilian, the strategist of Crexlan from Crux

9 = Izka the Draconian Gekemest, the enforcer of justice - from Bassk

2 = Dawyen the Blood Elf from the Pyxis universe, representing the struggle of the physical embodiment of Crexlan

4 = Thuban with all Draconians

5 = Elementarus, representing the true brother of Crexlan in the elemental sense

8 = Comathu and the union with Kazel-Universe, the rainbow

2 = Freya Thialda the Frisian and Izka Drake the Draconian, daughter and son of Crexlan and Lucik Laia to mix void and light in balance for the entire creation.

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