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Symbolism - Origin, Meaning and Power

What is the meaning of symbols and why are they being used? Another question should be: how are they used and what are their effects?

The more original a symbol the more power it holds. The more it is changed and shifted, the more the original power is diluted. The original power given by the Creator is absolute, and instilled in concentration in the original characters. Click here for examples of symbolism

Illuminati language is amongst others a sub-power language that they have hidden. They have given you a powerless and weak form of symbols. Because it is a sub-power, this is why the original master script can override every element of it. They force you to use a language that is weak, distorted, and has no power. The real runes language for example has absolute power, and with absolute power comes the ability to absolutely and instantaneously create at will. This is who we truly are as creators. But the wisdom of the runes and other symbols is nowadays rarely used due to corruption and people use corrupted symbols unconsciously, so they do not know what it does to them - lowering the consciousness and IQ. In the past symbolism was properly used by everyone. The schools on this planet teach powerless and corrupted symbols / languages, so it is up to the individual completely to seek the originals and how to use them. This article will hopefully help with this.

Negative beings / artificials force people into a religious, worshipping system, which is already lowering the consciousness, and disempowered / corrupted symbolism does the rest with their anti-magic, enslaving meanings. Even today's modern music and movies for example have dark subliminal programming and disruptive and debilitating waves being purposely emitted through it. You see that in even in arts, advertisement, sculptures, carvings, etc. They hide their symbols in plain sight so that you are always under the influence, but totally asleep to it. Once an individual becomes aware, the dysfunctional influences become visible and lose their hidden ability. This means game over for the corruption, because they no longer have an effect, you're tuned off to their effects. As awareness expands, the ability to see through and beyond expands with it. It's becoming more embedded and the one that is aware begins to see how the world really functions and secrets will be revealed. The ones that are aware develop the state of incorruptibility, because of your strength of Being / Truth. The buzz of the Om / Spirit so freely vibrates through the runes that they are like a magnificent meditation of being wielding their creative power forth across all of creation - manifesting creation itself. The more awareness and power flowing through the individual element of creation (the person), the more empowered this particular set of absolute tools being used (the runes). You have to be in attunement with the power of the tools being used to use them properly and most effectively. The sub-power is a hidden art for the purpose of enslavement. The true power that is within the original, positive runes and/or symbols were created for absolute expression of loving existence will be accessible for the ones that use them with clean and honest intentions. Its disclosure is a byproduct of the development of the individual, just like the ability to see through and into the sub-power is a byproduct of the advanced awareness as well. Truth becomes more absolute to the individual the more they become in alignment with and emerge as an absolute expression of the Truth. The runes and the individual become one energy force willing itself forward.

It is important to realize that symbolism is used to express something, in a monetary / military system symbols are obviously used for rather negative goals. When you watch TV for example you will be flooded with symbols and if you don't know what those symbols mean, your consciousness will suffer from this as well as your IQ will automatically lower.

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