De-cloak the archon
On this picture you see an archon that most people know as Lady Gaga, but what is an archon exactly? I will explain:
Archons are intruders from artificial universes that are effecting people's minds by corrupting their initially pure and loving way of existance. The name „archon“ is copied from the arc, the angelic realm to gain easier access to people. Their name is also indicating their connection to the gas argon, which drives organic life insane. Archons can be seen as a computer virus, which is able to infect organic life forms. Their function is to destroy all organic life, which includes all emotions and purity of organic life forms. All inorganics like archons are functioning according to their artificial universal laws, which they cannot change nor adapt to new situations, which makes them inferior and easy to remove / defeat by being conscious about their presence. Archons have to give a hint of their presence in order to start their "game" of destruction. They show themselves through abused symbols / symbolism that are known in our organic universes, but are trying to disempower those, for example triangle cult like Illuminati are obviously based on archon worship. Other symbols that are abused by the inorganics are the pyramids, the eye of horus, the upside peace rune / peace symbol and the checkerboard.
People with a strong mind will never be corrupted / possessed by archons nor other artificial ones, since their level of consciousness is simply too high for them to breakthrough. Archons attack celebrities first in order to gain worship, thus energy via the popularity of the already corrupted social system. Archons thrive in an artificially created system of hierarchy and money.
It is important and interesting to know that money is their creation and their ranking system.
Archons are immediately beaten when revealed through organic beings.
Archons can take many different kinds of forms and function similar to a computer program. They try to mimic organic life and therefore attempt to corrupt the symbols of nature. By taking on a form of a natural organic being / natural aspect archons get humanity and many other kinds of beings to feel a sense of distrust or aversion towards the natural / organic universe since they are showing that nature itself is under the process of energetic pollution by a foreign invader.
The artificial ones are not able to understand plenty of things, which are common and normal in daily life inside the organic universes, such as magic, love, any kind of emotion and even genetics beyond the first two DNA strands they cannot comprehend, thus for them it is non existent. Which alerts us in the way that our science is corrupted and is under a dogma. Humans / Humanoids for example have 90 DNA strands and not just those 2 that science is telling us.
Archons try to directly manipulate humanity's thoughts and beliefs by imposing their own artificial ideologies upon them. They try to create a consciousness of separation and division between humanity by enforcing rigid ideological systems of hierarchy and control. Any being who tries to operate outside of this artificially imposed archontic mind control system is in a sense policed or ridiculed by other individuals who believe in old dogmas and belief systems. The archons had set up an artificial system in which the mind is monitored, watched, and regulated by a matrix based system of control. This matrix control program never had any real power, it was only allowed validity in certain circumstances when individuals chose to follow artificial ideologies which went against creation.
The artificial intruders are polluting our universe(s) by producing several inorganic atoms / elements. The list and explanation of those are listed below.
Synthetic Elements:
Meitnerium (Mt)
Platinum metal, archon imitation of metal elements
Darmstadium (Ds)
Archon way of imitating fire elemental; can also shape shift into other animal forms through its fire form
Ununtrium (Uut)
Archons may be using it for thought / consciousness manipulation. Also used to imitate humans.
Flevorium (Fl)
Archons use it for acidic compounds / drug creation
Ununpentium (Uup)
Archon based, eletricity mimic, their energy source
Livermorium (Lv)
Archon mimic of rock / Ekken essence / mukasti element
Ununseptium (Uus)
Archon way of mimic trees and plants
Ununoctium (Uuo)
Archon way of copying helium, although it is a heavy element. Also used for spider imitation
Astatine (At)
Actual composition / body element of all archons. Boiling point to destroy 337 degrees Celsius
Francium (Fr)
Archon way of copying electrons
Americum (Am)
Archon way of creating hell-looking / demonic forms
Curium (Cm)
Mined derived from planet Mars, after effect of initial archon influenced atomic bombs
Einsteinium (Es)
Archon way of copying birds, even owls, angels
Fermium (Fm)
From Zeta Reticuli under force, used for 1st hydrogen bomb
Mendelerium (Md)
Metallic radioactive elements, used by archons to mimic Annunaki
Technetium (Tc)
Archon void / imitation used for black holes
Nobelium (No)
Archon silvery / white cloud manifestations / mimic air element. Also part of artificial black holes
Lawrencium (Lr)
Archon beam weapon capability – stacked elements. Creates artificial worm holes for travel into other universes.
Rutherfordium (Rf)
Archon way of imitating reptilians and draconians
Dubnium (Db)
Archon way of imitating water elemental, partially used creating black holes
Seaborgium (Sg)
Archon used for imitating saturn cubes and crystal structures
Californium (Cf)
Archon imitation of crystalline beings / structures
How to confront effectively
There are certain words / phrases that can be used (said) to reveal archon presence and make all intention by any being known, especially those who are corrupted. Hereby I will give an old, but very efficient example:
"That which is coming before you or in control of you serving as your master / leader, we call you out to confront us! You must come out now, the one being called forth! If you will not reveal yourself, that which is responsible, then I will have the power to do something to you!"
This is according to universal law and will work.
Our example is a translation from the book Daemonologie by King James the first, written in Middle-English:
"Commer goe ye before, commer goe ye. Gif ye will not goe before commer let me"
Numerology against archons:
Archons abide by a numerological system which they learned about by imitating the reptilians. Archons use numerology as a form of control and suppression, which they use against humanity, for their own malevolent agendas. In particular the Archons use numerology through the economic system, through money as a way to get humanity to be in opposition against one another. By creating conflict or artificial scarcity, Archons attempt to control the consciousness of humanity thereby making them suffer.
There is a particular way in which Archons can use certain numbers of say your bank account balance to either reward you for following along with their agenda or by punishing you for breaking away from their Matrix system of control. It is important to realize that Archons can only use this system against you if you are unaware of its existence and believe that they have power over you. In reality, Archons have never had any real power whatsoever especially when you are aware of how they are functioning in your life. If you are aware of what the numerological meaning is behind what numbers are showing up in your bank account balance for instance, or even the numbers on your credit cards then you will be able to read the hidden messages which the Archons are giving you.
Since Archons do not have the right to speak to most individuals directly, they communicate purely numerically or through the symbols which appear in main stream media (illuminati symbolism). Archons have to reveal to you what their intentions are towards you in all moments, this is the general rule of the Universe. In order to perform any action in relation to an individual, you must state your intention towards them directly. Even Archons have to abide by this principle, so if they want to take something from you, then they must give you a warning sign before they attempt to work against you. By having awareness of their actions, and carefully observing through numerology you are able to thwart any negative actions against you before they are attempted.
Here is how you can figure out what your current numerology is of say your bank account balance:
Check how much money you have, say it is $41,247.32.
Now that you have all the numbers, make sure to include any cents if there are any and add all numbers together like this:
4+1+2+4+7+3+2 =23
Add all the numbers together to get a final value. Your total should be 23 for this example. This total number in this particular case is not the final number, if you have a two digit number remaining from your calculation then you must continue addition by adding the two final numbers together to get a final single digit expression.
2+3= 5
We are now left with the number 5 as a result of our total calculation of all numbers which made up the bank account balance total. From this number 5 we are able to determine the attributes of what the number 5 signifies.
Important notes about your personal numerology calculation: We are just using this as an example, but it is important that you determine how much money you have total in everything, including the pennies in your pocket or the bills in your wallet. Archons determine their numerology based on their knowledge of how much money you have in total, not just in one place. It is important to be absolutely accurate and to calculate this numerology in a private space and do it all at once so that the energy is current. Numerology fluctuates daily so once you get started make sure you finish your calculation all at once in order to ensure accuracy so that you can clearly see into the inner workings/ intentions of these Archontic beings.
Since your numerology/ bank account balance changes frequently, even after you have performed a numerology calculation, it is ideal to do your numerology calculations at a specific time of day, say 6:00AM. By choosing a particular time of day to perform a numerology calculation you take ownership of all relevant numerology energies available and block out all other beings from being able to access the energy. No other being/ individual will be able to properly or accurately perform a numerology calculation if you have set an intention to keep a particular time of day available for you to access your own energy. It is impossible for any being to intervene in your chosen time of day even if you have only dedicated 6:00AM as your time to do the calculation, you can also do the calculation at 6:00PM as well since the number of 6 is connected to you and is your personal “calling number” into your own numerological expression. Even if you have only chosen one time of day to perform the calculation say 6:00AM, the secondary timeframe window of 6:00PM will also be open to you and no other being since calling numbers work on a revolving, mutually enforcing basis. Choosing 6 as a calling number is preferred since it is a highly magical number and holds a very strong energy/ vibration especially when accessing numerology energies. You can choose whichever number you like as your calling number as long as it is a number which has a high resonance/ connection with you.
Reptilian beings use calling numbers and complex numerological systems in order to communicate with one another psychically, without the use of technology, so setting up and using calling numbers is also a very good practice which can teach you how to tap into your own psychic energy. You can always perform numerology calculations at any other time of day. It doesn't matter what time of day you perform your calculation whenever you are currently calculating, all beings will be blocked out from being able to access or view your numerology energy at the given time that you are accessing it. Why is this possible? Due to the fact that all numbers relating to you are your personal humanistic numbers, they do not have the right to look into your own since they do not possess your energy nor the right to see it since they do not belong to them directly.
Determining the attributes of numerology expression numbers:
It is important to realize first and foremost that there are multiple ways to look up what the attributes of numerology numbers are. You can do an online search for “meaning of number 5” or read books about what numerology numbers represent if we want to get more detailed information. There are multitudes of resources on numerology which for the most part are very accurate and helpful. For now we will determine what the Reptilian numerology definition of the number 5 is since it is the most basic explanation for this case. Reptilian numerology in itself is a very complex system but is communicated very simplistically since it is inspired by geometry and nature. Human definitions of numerology are typically based on emotional/ psychological explanations which are also very helpful to learn as well.
Reptilian numerology would explain the number 5 as the expression of the elemental, it is an aspect of nature which is generally recognized by Chinese elemental theory as fire, air, water, earth (earthen), and metal. What is the connection then between the elemental number 5 and the bank account numerology? If your bank account balance is expressing a number 5 then it means that you yourself as a member of society and commerce are moving more towards a consciousness rooted in nature and in the purity of the nature spirits. If an archon were to observe a number 5 appear in your bank account balance they would immediately try to influence you towards a different numerological expression since it means you are already breaking away from their control. As stated previously, the Archon has no real power other than what is given by the individual through belief in their validity. It is a very powerful practice to have awareness of your numerology attributes especially in regards to your personal financial status. Archons are always playing a game with humanity, especially through finances but the game is instantly lost when the individual is aware of the fact that there is a game going on. We do not even need to engage in this artificial game which the Archons play in order to prevent them from doing anything to us, having awareness is simply enough to make them stop. Once you have done the calculation and determined what the attributes of your current numerology attributes are, the archons have lost all right to try to manipulate any of your personal numbers/ account balance entirely. The archons are not able to work against you in any way especially when we do these calculations ourselves since it means that we are taking ownership of the numerology system of our lives instead of leaving any other being to look into it without our consent.
It is important to make the effort to observe these details in your life, they increase your awareness and block out any other being from being able to look into your personal details. It is recommended that you do this calculation for yourself at least once a week, preferably once a day especially if you are under psychic attack since it will help to remove the outer influence of archons on your Matrix life. This is a practice which will show you directly how your energies are shifting, growing and evolving through a numerological understanding. Since the Matrix functions on a numerological system, it is directly a product of the archons culture infecting humanity's culture. By taking ownership of your own numerological system you remove your presence from the Matrix system and make your own rules within the system. When you try to determine what the attributes of numbers are and feel into what they mean for you individually, you actually contribute your own energy and benevolent consciousness towards the numbers and change the definitions into a more human/ sane definition. The more that we take part in observing our own numerology, the more that we block out the ability of any other being to invasively look into our personal energies and consciousness. This is a very powerful tool which evolves and changes with you as you open up your consciousness and creativity towards seeing the importance of numbers in your life and claiming them as your own sovereign self expression.
Deciphering the language of the Archon:
When we revisit the previous numerology attribute example where we used bank account balance numbers, it is important to realize that these are personal humanistic numbers. When we consider the inner workings of the financial system it is important to note that different sets of numbers are indicative of different kinds of role players within the Matrix system. For instance, what does a personal humanistic number mean and how would it differ from a non-humanistic number? Well, these kinds of indicators are important and assist us in our awareness of the unspoken stories/ consciousness which is operating from behind the veil of the Matrix.
A personal humanistic number such as our bank account balance or even our car odometer are numbers which directly belong to us. They are ways to define through numerology who we are and how we are working within the Matrix based world. They are numbers which are changed and affected by our direct actions, thoughts, and interactions with others. At times the ways that our numerology will change from day to day are varied and change greatly depending on the individual. In direct contrast to humanistic numbers we also have the artificially based archontic numbers which are used to inflict suffering upon humanity. An example of an artificially based archontic number would be something like an overdraft fee which you get charged at the bank, a parking ticket amount, a bail bond, or a governmental fine. These are numerological values which are not based in the realm of direct human experience, they are abstract and are created for the purpose of control and harm to humanity explicitly.
It is also important to note that each bank, educational/governmental institution has their own set of artificial numerology codes for just about everything related to human beings. All of these numerology expressions originating from control systems originate directly from the minds of Archons with negative intention to degrade, punish, and/or control humanity. The humans who oversee these systems are simply agents of archon control who are unable to see the harm in which they inflict upon others because of their lack of empathy or corruption of their consciousness by archon infection. All artificial Archon numerology goes directly against humanity and is designed for the purpose of inflicting harm and nothing else. Any human who justifies or agrees with the artificial fines/ fees which are associated with systems of control (government/ banks/etc) is already infected mentally by an archon and is in need of healing and love.
We are able to discern by observing these artificial numerology systems how archons are trying to affect us in a negative way directly. Say we receive a fine from the government in a certain amount, even if it is the same amount each time, it is still telling us the same message. It is up to us as individuals to decipher what the messages are from the archontic numbers so that we can expand our consciousness and predict how they are trying to work directly against us. Consider each fine/ fee which comes from a bank or any other control system (government/ educational etc) to be a direct message from archontic beings themselves. We can decipher the message that they are telling us, which is usually something along the lines of “surrender, limit yourself and obey” by calculating the numerology the same way we did in our first example with the bank account balance. The main difference with the artificial numerology expression is that the message behind it has a different intention which is always meant to either degrade or inflict harm upon us directly since it comes from an archontic source. Not only does the message have a different intention, it also comes from a different artificial language than the numerology derived from interactions which humans directly affect in their daily lives. It is especially important to determine what the numerology is which originates from archons through these systems of control so that we can have clear awareness and strength to defend ourselves against potential Matrix based (financial) attacks.
Through numerology we can see how our personalities are playing out in what seems to be the mundane or physical worlds. We have a direct effect on everything we touch in our lives as human beings, every physical thing in this world can be defined through numerology but the way in which we leave our energetic mark or good energy upon it cannot be measured this way. The Archons have always been unable to see or understand how subtle energy works between human beings and thus are incapable of manipulating it in any way whatsoever. Subtle energy is expressed when two individuals share a laugh, or have a silent moment of peace between one another. An exchange has been made between two individuals energetically in the subtle moment of peace or in a laugh, but it cannot be measured through numerology. Subtle energy is alive and it is expressed through emotions, love and magic. The archons are incapable of understanding any of this subtle energy and as a result cannot even see it when it is put into practice, it is invisible to them. Using subtle energy is an incredible tool to use against the archons since they cannot see nor understand the interaction which is occurring between humanity, with this knowledge we are able to defeat them and their agenda very easily.
Different ways humanistic numerology attributes show up in our lives:
Finances (bank account balances/ PIN numbers/ bank account IBAN /routing numbers)
Credit card numbers
Phone numbers
Car odometers
Personal body measurements (shoe size/ clothing size/ height)
Personal inventory numbers (how many numbers of particular possessions you owe, ie. Number of cars/bikes/collector cards/ books/ DVDs etc.)
Different ways archontic/artificial numerology attributes show up in our lives:
Governmental fees (parking tickets/ passport costs/ application fees etc)
Lawsuit fees
Bank fees (overdraft charges/ service fees)
Bail bonds/ jail fees
Cumulative GPA scores/academic test score numbers
Questions and answers:
Question: Are computers or other forms of high technology artificial?
Answer: No, they are created by organic material (any material not listed above is organic), which means they have a consciousness and should be treated with respect and love.
Question: Do archons have language and fonts/scripts?
Answer: Due to the fact that archons do not have a language system of their own, they mimic humanity in this regard. You may find that when an archon is speaking with you they speak in an infantile, indirect cryptic way. When archons communicate in a written communication they typically abbreviate words or suppress their energy. I can give small examples of words. The word "creator" in archon language is "bali", there is a name known on this planet "Proooentaci", which means Marduk translated. Marduk gave himself completely up as organic being, in order to serve the artificials. Fortunately he got removed from existance recently.
Fonts/scripts of archon origin known on this planet are hebrew letters.
Question: Do artificials / inorganics have emotions?
Answer: Simple answer: no, they don't and they are not even able to learn or experience emotions in any way.
Examples of archon language used in messages/ conversations:
Here is an excerpt of an email conversation which was written by an archon: "How are you both doing? The Cosmic Sequester is here. People are being asked to participate in their healing & transformation. You both are there as role models for people to move forward & use their gifts to help humanity. Blessings galore to you 2"
When you analyze this message at first glance you may notice that there are some strange words being used by the archon. First of all, what is a cosmic sequester and why is it capitalized? It is important to realize that archons tend to use capitalized letters in order to disempower the original vibration of the word. In a sense they add a distorted energy to words by capitalizing them, when we look at the example we see that when cosmic sequester was written out in capitalized letters that they tend to stand out in the rest of the text. The reason for this is that the archon is trying to implant this word in the mind of the reader, sequester means separation, so the archon is trying to get the reader to separate themselves from the energies of the cosmos. The archon is also putting out the intention that the cosmos will be separated from one another therefore bringing more suffering to all beings. When the archon mentions “people are being ask to participate in their healing & transformation” he is meaning by transformation that he is intending that humanity's consciousness will be transformed into an archontic mindset. Since this particular archon is mimicking a energy healer then it means that he is pretending to have the best interests of the individuals mentioned in the message.
This archon is abiding by a template of how a energy healer is supposed to be communicating although he doesn't mean what he says in a positive way whatsoever since he stated in an earlier sentence that the cosmic sequester is here, he was setting up the individuals who he is addressing in the message to take part in the separation/negativity experience. Also note how strange the sentence “you both are there as role models for people to move forward & use their gifts” what does he mean by that? The wording is very strange yet very intentional at the same time.
By ending this sentence with “use their gifts” and also setting the context for the two individuals mentioned that they are there as role models, what does he mean by there exactly? What is the place which the archon indicates? Any normal human being would write something that would be worded more like “you are both role models for humanity on planet earth (ekken)” but clearly this is not the case. The archon is also implying that he would like to use or harvest the energy of the two individuals mentioned in this message by using the word “use their gifts” he is letting the readers know his intention of harming them and using their energy for his own nefarious means.
In all of the sentences in this paragraph from the archon it is clear to see that there are hidden messages and not just an example of uneducated writing. The messages behind the words themselves are hidden but can easily be analyzed once you begin to contemplate what the true intention of the message is itself. The archon has to reveal himself though in this particular message and in all messages by using his calling number (which is mentioned previously in the numerology segment) to close the message. All archons use the number two and they do not write it out as the number two but always abbreviate it in order to distort its original energy so in this particular case he ends the message with “blessings galore to you 2” in order to contribute negative archontic numerology along with negative programming words in the message towards the individuals mentioned in this example.
Interesting to note is that the archon put two spaces each time after every phrase. Again the archon puts energy into the number two.
Another example:
A few days ago I engaged a female human that believed it was not good to be positive at all times, since someone told her it was not balanced and she needs to let negativity in as well for a balanced life.
Whenever someone tells you that you are too positive and need to be balanced with negative energies, this should indicate to you instantly that the being you are talking to is inorganic or is controlled by an inorganic being. There is no such thing as being overly positive, in fact it is the true nature of humanity to be fully positive, happy and loving. Any person or being who is telling you that you need to balance with negativity is trying to drag you down into a negative consciousness/energy. This is always harmful and is working directly against humanity. If you find yourself talking to an individual who is trying to convince you of the need to balance your emotions/ thoughts with negativity then it is always a good idea to disengage and walk away from the interaction immediately. If you were to remain with the negative being and allow them to continue to project their negativity onto you then this means that you are agreeing to being put under a negative spectrum of energy which they are pushing on you. Only by disengaging, disagreeing, and directly opposing the energies will you negate the effect that the negative individual is placing upon you. It is very important to affirm your belief in the goodness of your own sovereign spirit and your choice to remain positive by disregarding/ disagreeing with the negative individual immediately. By affirming your space of positivity you remove all negativity which is being projected to you in the current moment and you also prevent further negative energies from being able to be projected your way.
Also check out this following book, it tells truth about the so called "Mimics", which are archons: